Vocabulary Fall list: #2

Faith:  having belief towards something that doesn't necessarily have proof, believing in something for no reason
Threshold: is the middle or the place between two places
Tarry: delaying  to somewhere or something
Resolve: to make a situation turn to a point that is better and find a solution
Discern: to notice or see something or someone
Martyr: person that is killed for having a different  religious belief
Mirth: having an expression of happiNess or joy giving a huge laughter
Catechism: short summary of the Christian religion
Pious: someone who is devoted religiously
Frenzy: when someone or something is acting wildly

The man has faith towards god and know God will help him out in this terrible situation.
The threshold needs to be repared before the door disattaches.
The officeman tarrys a lot to all the places he needs to go.
The manager is trying to resolve this situation in the most peaceful way.
He discerned that the teacher was trying to tell them that they didn't pass the class.
The martyr had the right to believe in whatever he wants.
The people at the zoo mirthed because  the gorilla was dancing.
My friend studied catechism and now wants to teach catechism.
The women at church the follow the pious.
When kids eat candy exessively they start acting frenzy.


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