
Showing posts from February, 2018

Response to CH 1-3 Great Gatsby classmate questions

Questions Chapter 1: 1. What was Nick referred as in college because of the fact that he was such a reserved person? 2. Does Nick seem happy having to go threw the steps his past relatives took? (same school, same career, etc...) Chapter 2: 1. Who's Tom having an affair with and what's she like? 2. Tom took his time to go to New York to see his other women, why do you think he's cruel enough to break her nose while he's there? Chapter 3: 1. Why does Nick observe Gatsby so much? 2. Gatsby looks like he has parties but with people he doesn't know, why is it that he talks to Nick out of all people and when it wasn't even him who personally invited him to the party? Chapter 4: 1. Do you think Jordan got called in to talk to Gatsby because he wanted to ask the same question he asked Nick? 2. What question did Gatsby not want to ask Nick ? Answers 1. Nick was accused of being a politician, he mostly payed attention to little details or all de

The Great Gatsby -Classmates questions/response CH 3-4

Chapter 3: 1. Why does Nick observe Gatsby so much?  Nick observes Gatsby so much because he is very wealthy and how is it  possible that he affords all those parties.  2. Gatsby looks like he has parties but with people he doesn't know, why is it that he talks to Nick out of all people and when it wasn't even him who personally invited him to the party? He is interested in daisy, Both Daisy and Gatsby had something going on before daisy got married, he maybe is aware that Nick is related to Daisy. 3. Why did Gatsby just assume Nick knew who he was? Because Gatsby knew about him but nick didn't , Gastby probably assumed that with the invitation that was sent to Nick , nick should know him he mostly likely was aware of the invitation that was sent  Chapter 4: 1. Do you think Jordan got called in to talk to Gatsby because he wanted to ask the same question he asked Nick? Yes, I believe that Gastby wanted to ask Jordan the same thing he asked Nick because he is really in


Ch 1 What does tom interrupt Daisy to talk about? What book does Tom talk about? What event didn't nick not go to that made daisy mad(sort of), and even made her say that Nick and her didn't really know each other?   Ch 2 What did Mrs.Wilson buy a copy of at the newsstand? What did Catherine whisper to Nicks' ear? Ch 3 How was Nick Nick invited to the event Jay Gatsby hosted? What did Gatsby suggest him and Nick should do? Ch4 According to Gatsby what did he show the policeman so that he excused him and left him alone? Why was Nick supposed to invited her cousin Daisy to have some tea?