
Showing posts from November, 2017

Life with Perfection???

Today i was thinking about how people get mad when they want everything in life to be like spreading cream cheese on a bagel. I think it's correct that life is difficult otherwise, why are we given a life, a life with perfection is nothing nothing to work from nothing to learn from.


Just thinking about life after is a little concerning and stressful. As you grow you start to realize that you have to come out of your concealment and slowly start being independent of your choices, thought, and actions. The consequences may not always be good but you take action and you learn from your mistakes. We mostly tend to rely on peers, elders, and parents to speak up for us but it's not always going to be like that. Everyone won't be there at your job interview telling you what to say how to act. Not only in job interview but in general. Our actions are mostly tough when you you're thinking about the college, or university you want to attend to, applying and thinking of what will really benefit YOU not others, but your self. I really am considering some options for myself and what i should do to achieve what i want to be, and do, to be successful in life. Fashion design and entrepreneurship are both something to work for and there's thought put into what opti

Jimmy Santiago Baca - Reponse

Jimmy Santiago Baca says may we strive for higher and at the end, we DON'T really profit from what we work so hard for. That's what I understand from,  Immigrants in Our Own Land. People work extremely hard to get to a point that society demands for, or maybe its not a demand from society. It could be that someone is trying to survive in the limited life. Some people work harder than others and at the end they end up being the same as all, end up in coffins and just being corpses. Lets face it the out come is a culprit and it wipes out everyone and being inconsiderate. 

Emerson Essay

     Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson  (Emerson) mainly talks about how people try to fit in instead of relying on themselves. Emerson proves his diction by comparing a joint stock company with society. The syntax is very powerful and it tries to get the reader to think the same and agree. The reader should think that they SHOULD rely on themselves and not on what others think you should, we'll according to Emerson you should. The tone of self reliance is meaness, but in an effective manner, because it shows Emerson's anger towards society.        The examples he uses, from other literary works helped him develop ideas. It made him think that society has influenced many generations negatively. For example, he say "i tell thee, thou foolish philanthropist,". What he means is that when people are in bad situations they put themselves in a negative mindset. In reality they can do more than what they do. The ultimate level is not thought of.        Equally importa

About my big question

Yesterday ï asked my group members what they thought about my big question. They thought it was DUMB. Ï was actually debating wether to post or  or not because ï thought to myself is it actually dumb? But then ï asked Kassandra what she thought of it she told me she agreed with me that our class doesn't talk to much. She told me something close to this " ï think our class is very quiet and ï think the reason why is because we don't really know each other, and we haven't made the time or effort to meet each or get to know each other". It's agreeable we just stay isolated in the same groups.