
Showing posts from September, 2017
Today in class Dr Preston expressed his thoughts about how our goals can lead us to happiness, you need to be satisfied of what you do. Time and effort is the key to being satisfied and get to a point where all the time and effort is worth doing and putting. It is agreeable that when you have everything you are not satisfied. Maybe you will never be satisfied or happy

On the Path

Research the authors of "Young Goodman Brown" and "Dream Within a Dream."  How did their lives influence their writing?  Use at least three facts you learn about their lives to make educated guesses about how they wrote. Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne Was written based on the  late 1600's. Hawthorne's way of writing gives lessons using literature in a good manner and proves a point by writing. During 1692 events occurred that inspired him to complete this kind of literary work. Being surrounded by strange witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts influenced him to write about important points in life. Both Women and men were charged for practicing witchcraft, being executed and imprisoned. Authors like him wrote about Puritanism and tired writing about episodes in life that were terrible. Hawthorne's life took great part in stories like this, sometimes experiencing things can create great stories. Equally important,  Dream Without a Dream was a po
SMART Goal S Make it S pecific What do you want to accomplish? i want to get good grades and make sure i am determined to put in all my effort into everything i do. M Make it M easurable How will you know when you have accomplished your goal? Good relationships with everything and everyone. It should be a way of making life better. A Make it A ttainable How can the goal be accomplished? surrounded by positive peers and listening to others advice when they are trying to help and also putting in work and time. R Make it R elevant Is this goal worth working hard to accomplish? Explain. Yes, this goal is worth working hard for because it will be positive when trying to achieve my main goal. T Make it T imely  By when will the goal be accomplished?    By the end of this first semester this goal will be accomplished.

Vocabulary Fall list: #2

Faith:  having belief towards something that doesn't necessarily have proof, believing in something for no reason Threshold: is the middle or the place between two places Tarry: delaying  to somewhere or something Resolve: to make a situation turn to a point that is better and find a solution Discern: to notice or see something or someone Martyr: person that is killed for having a different  religious belief Mirth: having an expression of happiNess or joy giving a huge laughter Catechism: short summary of the Christian religion Pious: someone who is devoted religiously Frenzy: when someone or something is acting wildly The man has faith towards god and know God will help him out in this terrible situation. The threshold needs to be repared before the door disattaches. The officeman tarrys a lot to all the places he needs to go. The manager is trying to resolve this situation in the most peaceful way. He discerned that the teacher was trying to tell them tha

Vocabulary : fall list #1

Stupid: not being intelligente; ignorant or acting childish. Adumbrate: to foreshadow something or to symbolize something Apotheosis: the highest point in the development  of something. Ascetic: lifestyle of practicing discipline and abstention. Bauble: a baton formerly used as an emblem by jesters  Beguile: to distract the attention of Burgeon: when something grows or develops rapidly  Complement: is the adjective, noun, or pronpuns that follow a linking verb Contumacious: stubbornly resisting authority  Curmudgeon: is a cranky, I'll tempered individual. Didactic: philosophy in art and literature providing many ways of it ( informational)