On the Path

Research the authors of "Young Goodman Brown" and "Dream Within a Dream."  How did their lives influence their writing?  Use at least three facts you learn about their lives to make educated guesses about how they wrote.

Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne Was written based on the  late 1600's. Hawthorne's way of writing gives lessons using literature in a good manner and proves a point by writing. During 1692 events occurred that inspired him to complete this kind of literary work. Being surrounded by strange witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts influenced him to write about important points in life. Both Women and men were charged for practicing witchcraft, being executed and imprisoned. Authors like him wrote about Puritanism and tired writing about episodes in life that were terrible. Hawthorne's life took great part in stories like this, sometimes experiencing things can create great stories. Equally important, Dream Without a Dream was a poem written by Edgar Allan Poe. Edgar wrote without direct attribution by referencing other literary works. He expressed his works with passion and wisdom. In this poem he talks about not being able to stop death from taking there loved ones, As a matter of fact, when Edgar was a child his mother died and his father had abandoned him. As he Grew older he felt as if people were leaving with no explanation. He was inspired by the real life situations he went through and expressed it in books, quotes, and poems . Therefore, authors like Nathaniel Hawthorne and Edgar Allan Poe write from emotions produced by struggles and tough situations.  


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